therapy offers


department of pediatrics

If there is an impairment of physical, mental or social development compared to peers, problems with the ability to act, playing and learning behavior or coping with everyday life, excessive fear, aggression, defensiveness or passivity.

hand therapy

Joint injuries and diseases, contractures, fractures of the upper extremity, rheumatic diseases, tendon injuries and diseases, peripheral nerve lesions, nerve compression syndromes, poor posture and strain on the upper extremity, burns and frostbite, amputations, dupuytren's disease, reflex sympathetic dystrophy and congenital malformations

department of neurology

For diseases of the central nervous system (e.g. stroke, tumors,...), inflammatory & degenerative diseases (e.g. multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease,...), injuries to the central nervous system (e.g. traumatic brain injury, paraplegia,...), peripheral nerve lesions & polyneuropathies

handedness testing

We are specially trained to determine the “correct” writing hand for children with changing hand use.

It consists of an anamnesis form and various subtests that record aspects of trained and untrained hand preference and hand performance, crossing of the middle of the body and bimanual cooperation of the hands.

The development of handedness is extremely complex and is influenced and shaped by genetic factors, physical, social and cultural environments, individual development patterns and motor skills. Parents, educators, teachers and pediatricians are often unsure whether the child is left or right-handed.

In order to understand this switching behavior and to be able to make a well-founded statement about the handedness, a comprehensive diagnostic assessment is necessary!

rota therapy

Rota therapy is a neurophysiological approach that uses simple movement exercises to have a positive influence on muscle tension throughout the body. On the one hand, rota therapy is used prophylactically to regulate tone and, on the other hand, it is also used for existing clinical pictures in infants, children and adults.

What is the content of the therapy?

In order to provide nourishment for the brain and thus influence sensorimotor development, the treatment is based on 3 pillars that are individually tailored to the patient:

  • rotation exercises
  • everyday life
  • oral treatment

The mouth in particular, with its large representation area in the brain, plays an important role in tone regulation. In order to enable optimal straightening against gravity, be it when crawling or when walking, basic skills are required for the free development of head control. These basic skills are supported prophylactically in therapy and in everyday life.

The treatment uses easy-to-learn movement exercises for parents and relatives as well as for patients themselves. For small children and infants, the treatment is carried out on the lap, for children and adults on the floor or, if necessary, in bed or on a lounger.

kinesio taping

We offer the application of ktapes as part of our therapeutic measures.

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